Class Registration: Atlanta

Class Registration: Atlanta


Parent / Guardian Information


When paying by card an invoice will be emailed and must be paid before registration is complete.

As a reminder, there is a 3% charge that needs to be added to the total when using credit card as your option of payment. Checks may be dropped off at the school or mailed to the school address.

Release / Consent

Terms and conditions, and release of liability

  • Refunds and credits (make-up sessions) will not be issued for non-attendance on a scheduled Playball day, including if your child chooses not to attend Playball for any reason.
  • Refunds and credits (make-up sessions) will not be issued for field trips or related absences. We do our very best to work with the school's schedule and do not plan to conduct Playball on days when we are aware that the children will be on a field trip.
  • In the case of inclement weather, we will make every attempt to move Playball indoors, or reschedule the class within 2 weeks of the weather related cancellation.
  • Children may be withdrawn from Playball by their parent or guardian at any time and a prorated refund will be given in full, without penalty, from the date of receipt of written notification of the child's withdrawal. Formal notification of withdrawal must be made in writing, email is okay. Verbal notification to Playball coaches will not qualify as formal notification of cancellation. Refunds will not be issued for classes which have already occurred.
  • Should Playball find it necessary to de-register a child, a refund will be issued after deduction for classes which have already occurred.

Late registration will be accepted, space permitting, and will be prorated. Please contact us at (404) 218-6547 or by email at for rates.

Participation in all sports can be inherently dangerous and, regardless of the care taken to avoid injury, it is impossible to ensure the safety of all participating individuals.

While participating in Playball, accidents do happen. Some of these accidents may be minor like collisions with other players, collisions with the ground, and being struck by the ball or objects. Other injuries may also include:

  • minor injuries like scrapes, bruises, strains, blisters, and sprains;
  • more serious injuries liken broken bones, concussions, muscle tears, and ligament tears;
  • catastrophic injuries like heat stroke, cardiac arrest, and death

To reduce the risk of injury, participants are expected to abide by the following rules:

  • all participants are expected to be physically fit before Playball begins
  • all players must adhere to the rules of sports, thus creating a safe playing environment
  • all parents/guardians of participants are expected to fully disclose any medical conditions that could be impacted by cardiovascular activity and outdoor play.

The above-mentioned participant agrees to follow the preceding safety rules, all posted safety rules, and all rules common to sports. Further, the above-mentioned participant agrees to report any unsafe practices, conditions, or equipment to the Playball instructor.

I certify that the above-mentioned participant 1) possesses a sufficient degree of physical fitness to safely participate in Playball, 2) understands that he/she is to discontinue activity at any time he/she feels undue discomfort or stress, and 3) has indicated in the "Allergies/medical conditions" section any health-related conditions that might affect his/her ability to play in Playball and he/she will verbally inform the Playball instructor immediately.

I have read the preceding information and do not need further clarification. I know, understand, and appreciate the risks associated with participation in Playball and I am voluntarily enrolling my child in the activity. In doing so, the participant is assuming all of the inherent risks of sports. I further understand that in the event of a medical emergency, Playball will call EMS to render assistance and that I will be financially responsible for any expenses involved.

In consideration of being permitted to play in Playball on behalf of myself, my family, my heirs, and my assigns, I hereby release Playball by Nick, its agents, and its employees from liability for injury, loss, or death to the above-mentioned participant while using any facility or equipment or in any way associated with participating in the activities Playball offers now or in the future, resulting from the ordinary negligence of Playball, its agents and employees.

I do hereby consent and agree that Playball has the right to take photographs and videos of my child and to use these on the company's website, and on social media accounts including but not limited to Instagram and Facebook and promotional material without compensation. Your child's name and identity will not be revealed.

Playball reserves the right to charge additional fees for late pick-ups 15 minutes after our camp/class has ended.

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